Bano (بانو) is an Urdu novel written by acclaimed female write Razia Butt. It is one of her most exceptional literary works to date. It has been adopted both for TV-Drama and film.

Bano Novel Summary and Review.
The events of the story set in the days before and after the partition (India-Pakistan). The central theme of the story highlights the struggles of the people back then in 1947. It demonstrates why the establishment of Pakistan was necessary. While reading this novel, the reader realizes that the lives, homes, and businesses of India’s Muslims were not safe. The lives of their loved ones were in danger at all times. They could not perform their religious rites freely. It is why Muslims needed to establish their separate state.
Along with the story’s central theme, the writer beautifully weaved the tragic love story of Bano and Hassan. It is impossible not to shed tears while reading this story۔
All in all, It is a painful story with a strong message. If you are looking forward to reading a sweet romance novel, Bano is not the novel for you. If you can read and go through a tale of partition laden with countless wounds, sacrifices, and broken dreams, It is a must-read for you.
Download Bano Novel in PDF.
Bano Novel By Razia butt is available to read online and to download for free in pdf format. To download it – please click on the download button below.
Where can I read this novel in english?
Ameezing novel
veery good novel
Its a great novel but wahshi novel is outstanding