Ishq-e-Dilbaram Novel By Areej Shah

Ishq-e-Dilbaram (عشقِ دلبرم) is a socio-romantic Urdu novel written by a well-known writer Areej Shah. It reveals the strength of love that can change the sorrowful life of a person into beautiful moments.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel story revolves around a young boy named Qalab. He belongs to a royal family and has everything in life that he wanted but instead of having someone, he was not happy. Because she got no love from his family that he deserved. One day her life becomes changed when he meets a girl who genuinely loves him and makes him beautiful.

The novel has an incredible storyline that absorbs the attraction of reader till the last page. You must read this novel if you like socio-romantic stories.

You might also want to these similar books: Bikhar Na Jayen Khawab by Aasia Razaqi, Mah-e-Mohabbat by Kiran Rafique, Bin Tere Adhore Hain Hum by Tara.

Download Ishq-e-Dilbaram Novel in PDF

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