Junoon (جنون) is an Urdu novel written by a famous author Anwar Siddiqui. It tells a socio-romantic, thriller, and suspenseful story that illustrates the life of those passionate people who choose some wrong path in the intensity of love.
Novel’s Story/Summary:
The novel’s story centers around many social and cultural issues faced by people in our society. It is the story of such human relationships that make their way in the tumultuous journey of life, passing through numerous delicate twits and turns. And at every turn, a new emotional world is formed. There are so many different conflicting and disturbing emotional worlds that combine to create the whole story.
The author tells about the importance of relationships and the strength of love that compels a love to break all boundaries and face all challenges in the passion of love. It is an perfect choice for you if you want to read a socio-romantic story with some thriller touch.
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