Kala Mantar Novel By M Ilyas

Kala Mantar (کالا منتر) is a horror and mystery-thriller Urdu novel written by a well-known author M Ilyas. It indicates the mysterious life of a man who is the owner of many evil forces that make the story terrifying and horrible for the reader. It was published in Darr Digest in episode form.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel story revolves around a young boy named Jogi. He was the child of poor parents who grow up in the lap of poverty. His only goal in life was to get rid of hunger. His father died in his childhood and her mother, who was a respectable woman would be forced to spred her hands in front of people, but no relation can support them and end the cruelty. Having stumbled over time, he took the path in the fire of revenge that became a message of death for people. 

The author tries to revels some mistakes of our society that compels a man to choose the wrong path. It is a bone-chilling horror story that leaves a terrifying impression on the reader’s mind.

M Ilyas is a famous novelist and top story writer of Urdu. In his long writing career, he authored dozens of stories and novels. He is a regular writer for the digests and penned many episodic books. Moreover, he got fame for his horror and action stories. You must read M Ilyas’s All Novels.

You might also want to these similar books: Ghulam Roohein by Anwar Siddiqui, Zonash by A Hameed, Safaid Mehal by Anwar Aligi.

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