Pyasi Novel By Bushra Rehman

Pyasi (پیاسی) is a novel written by renowned female writer Bushra Rehman. It features a social story that reveals many social issues. At first, the book got published in the local digest, and later it was published as a hardcover book. 

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel’s story revolves around the topic of many social issues in our current society. It describes us trials and tribulations of women in Pakistani society. The writer effectively highlights the problems of women in their daily life. She highlighted female education and awareness in our present society. She describes how women have always been deprived of their rights. Furthermore, she focuses the reader’s attention on the shortcomings of our family system and how it can be improved.

The novel’s story is gripping and engrosses the reader from beginning to end. It leaves a lasting impression on the reader after reading it. If you are a fan of social Urdu stories, this novel is for you.

Bushra Rehman is the writer of the Pyasi. The name is well-known to Urdu readers as she has authored many notable and best-seller books. She describes in great detail the human relations and the tragedies that affect families, love, and loss in her stories on different social and cultural topics. Female characters in her stories are always strong and very relatable. On this website, you can explore Bushra Rehman’s All Books and Novels.

You might also want to these similar books: Dhoop Barish Aur Saye by Nighat Seema, Pagal Ankhon Wali by Umera Ahmed, Mehr-un-Nisa by Nimra Ahmed.

Download Pyasi Novel in PDF

You can read this novel online – or download the complete Pyasi novel in pdf for offline reading. Please follow the below links to read online or download this book.

Please Note: The links below are only for viewing, educational, and research purposes. We urge you to please purchase the book to support the publisher and the writer.

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Comments (1)

  1. اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
    Thanks for uploading this beautiful
    Novel . ‎


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