Husan-e-Zan Novel By Bint e Zahid

Husan-e-Zan (حسنِ زن) is an urdu novel written by a well-known female author Bint e Zahid. It features a socio-romantic and cultural story that explains the status of those women in our society who follows the culture and lifestyle of European countries.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel’s story revolves around a girl named Mohmal. She belongs to a middle-class family and wants to do something big in her life. After passing her graduation exam to fulfill her dreams, she decided to go abroad for her education. After going abroad, life takes a new turn and everything changed.

The author tells us the regrets of those women who lost their respect due to following the modern lifestyle. It is most suitable for those readers who like social urdu novels.

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Download Husan-e-Zan Novel in PDF

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