Mehram-e-Junoon Novel By Mahnoor Shehzad

Mehram-e-Junoon (محرمِ جنون) is a Urdu novel written by a prominent author Mahnoor Shehzad. It features a social romantic and cultural Urdu novel that illustrates the tragedies and complications faced by a couple in the way of love.

Novel’s summary:

The novel’s novel story revolves around a passionate boy and a girl who falls in love each other. They belongs to rich and respectable family. When their family’s finds that they deeply loves each other . They oppose them and make their life difficult. In this way they cross all boundaries and go against their family and their traditions to full their dreams and desires that they see in way of love.

The author discuss about the emotions of those boys and girls who lose their love due to the possessive thoughts of their family about love. This novel is a suitable choice for those readers who like socio-romantic stories.

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