Qaflay Rah Bhool Jate Hain Novel By Sundas Jabeen

Qaflay Rah Bhool Jate Hain (قافلے راہ بھول جاتے ہیں) is a novel written by well-known female author Sundas Jabeen. It features a socio-romantic story that explains the difficulties and hurdles faced by a young girl in the way of love. 

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel story revolves around a young girl named Arbeeha. Recently she got admission to a college in B.A. There she meets with a boy named Shah Fazal. Shah Fazal belongs to a wealthy family. His brother was the friend of Arbeeha’s brother, Mansoor. Shah Fazal falls in love with her and wants to marry her. Soon they got married, but after marriage, many complications arise between them.

The novel story is interesting that grips the reader till the end and leaves a deep impression on readers mind, If you like socio-romantic stories this novel is most suitable choice.

Sundas Jabeen is a female story writer and arising novelist of Urdu. In her brilliant career, she delivered some excellent books and novels that got a high preference from the readers. Furthermore, she has an impressive writing style. You must read Sundas Jabeen All Novels.

You might also want to these similar books: Malal-e-Zeest by Amna Riaz, Parwaz by Tahir Javed Mughal, and Shehar-e-Mohabbat by Nighat Seema.

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