Raaz Aankhein Teri Novel By Maha Gul

Raaz Aankhein Teri is an Urdu novel authored by a well-known writer Maha Gul. It conveys a tremendous socio-romantic story that exposes the love affair of a couple who make some beautiful memories due to facing many difficulties in this society. It is a 700-page long story that grips the readers till the end.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel’s story centers around the topic of love and hate. It highlights the life of a young girl named Hayat. She belongs to a family that has possessive thoughts and no belief in love. But she is an open-minded girl who falls in love with a boy. She faces new challenges and confronts tribulations when her family finds that she loves someone. They make her life much more difficult but she does not lose heart and makes beautiful memories with her love.

The author reveals the efforts and struggle of a man when he falls in love. It is a heart-touching story that engages the readers and gave them a strong moral. It is an ideal choice for those readers who like socio-romantic stories.

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