Rang-e-Aasman Novel By Dr. Abdul Rabb Bhatti

Rang-e-Aasman (رنگ آسماں) is a novel written by a renowned author Dr. Abdul Rabb Bhatti. It features a mystery-thriller story full of many actions and suspenseful moments that leaves a deep impression on the reader’s mind after reading it.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel’s story revolves around the war between two tribes, Dambali and Zargani tribes. This war started when the King of the Dambali tribe killed a man named Aatoon. Antoon was a sorcerer and belongs to Zargani Tribe. In this way, a big war started between both tribes. Now they would be enemies of each other lives.

The novel story is gripping and immerses the reader from start to end. If you want to read a unique mystery-thriller story, this novel is most suitable for you.

Dr. Abdul Rabb Bhatti is a famous novelist and story writer of Urdu, who is a regular writer for the magazines and digests of Urdu. He wrote about many topics like romance, crime, social issues, horror, and suspense but mainly focused on the problems of the Sindhi people. You must read Dr. Abdul Rabb Bhatti’s Novels

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