Deewane Novel By Saila Rubab

Deewane (دیوانے) is an excellent romantic Urdu novel written by a prominent author Saila Rubab. It exposes the love affair of a passionate boy and a girl, willing to sacrifice their everything for each other. It highlights multiple social and cultural issues faced by people in our current society.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

The novel story revolves around a young girl named Gul. She is a passionate girl who enjoys every little moment of her life. Recently she got admission to college and today is her first day at college. Everything, every person was new to her and she was very enthusiastic to meet her new friends. Soon they make many friends and everyone impress by her attractive personality. The story takes an incredible turn when a boy takes entry into her life and her life becomes changed.

The author tells us the feelings of those girls who find their caring life partner and spend their whole life with beautiful memories. It is an interesting story full of many suspenseful and romantic moments. You must read this novel if you like socio-romantic stories.

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