Akas Bail Novel By Rukhsana Nigar Adnan
The story portrays the daily life problems of our Pakistani families and explains importance of relationships in our life.
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The story portrays the daily life problems of our Pakistani families and explains importance of relationships in our life.
Safar Tamaam Hua is the unique collection of some socio-romantic stories that reveals multiple social and family issues of our community.
It is a socio-romantic story that explains the life of those people who love someone in their life but are unable to tell their feelings
Mohiuddin Nawab tells us the realities of those people who have two faces and revels the outward and inward nature of a man.
The novel’s story discussed the existence of those people after death who do something for the world without any desire.
Story of three friend who were trapped in a savage tribe and faced some stranger things.
It features a social Urdu story that discusses the little mistakes which make us a slave.
The author reveals the painful life of those people who lose someone in their life who loves them.
Story of a boy who want to get rid from his criminal life. But, in his gang, there was no way to leave this world.
Story of a boy who lose his those relations which he needed due to his selfishness and obstinacy.