Band Muthi Mein Sulagti Rait Novel By Saima Akram Chaudhary
The story is a small protest against the cruel traditions that have ensnared the people in the darkness of ignorance like a trap.
The story is a small protest against the cruel traditions that have ensnared the people in the darkness of ignorance like a trap.
It features a social Urdu story about the sorrowful life of an innocent girl who was always cheated in the name of love.
The author reveals the importance of those moments that we spend with our love.
A socio-romantic story that explains the life of a selfish girl who gave more importance to their dreams than relationships.
The author discuss about the multiple social and family issues that affect a strong relationship.
It explore a socio-romantic story that expresses the struggles and sacrifices of a man in the way of love.
The author tells us about the selfishness of our blood relationships in the way of love.
A socio-romantic story of a couple with some Islamic touch and Sufism who choose the path of Islam when they break in love.
Story of a boy who lost his important relationships due to chasing his dreams and desires.
The novel’s story focus on the evil thoughts of our society where the root of a relationship is just their status.