Qaflay Rah Bhool Jate Hain Novel By Sundas Jabeen
Story of a young girl who faced many difficulties and complications in the way of love.
Story of a young girl who faced many difficulties and complications in the way of love.
Kalay Rastay is a socio-romantic and crimes Urdu stories collection that explore different social and cultural issues.
The story of a young boy who was stuck in love of two girls at same time.
It is a social Urdu novel that explains multiple social issues in a humorous way.
It illustrate those little mistakes in our life that destroy our strong relationships.
Nabeela Aziz tells us the value of those relationships, whose importance we realize after losing them.
The author tells us about the painful and difficult life of those people who lose their love in their life.
The novel’s story tells us the hurdles and difficulties faced by a man in the way of love.
The author expressed the selfishness of people when they are in love with someone.
This story written for those people who want to be the owner of a strong and charming personality but are weak inside.