Ma Anmol Novel By Nimra Ahmed

Ma Anmol (میں انمول) is a novel authored by a preeminent female writer Nimra Ahmed. It features a social Urdu story that discusses the hidden talent of our young generation. At first, it was published in a monthly digest and got high appreciation from readers. Later, it was issued as a hardcover book. It is one of the best Urdu novels by Nimra Ahmed.

Novel’s Story/Summary:

Ma Anmol is a story written for those people who want to be the owner of a strong and charming personality but are weak inside. They feel very inferior. They don’t know their talent and are not able to get out of the regrets of the past. They are sad and lonely inside and have neither good friends nor anyone who values them.

The author has tried to awaken those people, who do not love themselves and are far from themselves. Those who did not get the time to discover themselves and want to be their own hero. They want respect and support from people but they do not understand how to start.

It is not just a story, it is the moments of the author’s life. It helps the young generation to improve themselves and progress in life. If you like social Urdu stories, this novel is the most suitable choice.

Nimra Ahmed, the writer of this novel, does not require any introduction to Urdu readers. She has accomplished so much in such a short time. She has written several superhit Urdu novels such as; HaalimNamalMushaf, and evergreen Jannat Kay Pattay. On this website, you can explore All Urdu Novels of Nimra Ahmed.

You might also want to these similar books: Mala by Nimra Ahmed, Kuch Kami Si Hai by Nighat Seema, Tang Aamad by Aleem Ul Haq Haqi.

Download Ma Anmol Novel in PDF

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