Mata e Jaan Hai Tu Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq
The story revolves around Ibaad and Hania, students at Columbia University. They get married against the wishes of the boy’s father.
The story revolves around Ibaad and Hania, students at Columbia University. They get married against the wishes of the boy’s father.
A social romance story that revolves around Love Triangle between three characters, Irtizaa, Sabaa, and Saman.
A story about the fractures in relationships and families caused by ego, selfishness, and misunderstandings.
It is an autobiography of Qudrat Ullah Shahab, where he has narrated the details about the events, circumstances, and observations at different stages throughout his life.
A collection of Ibn-e-Insha’s satirical and funny short essays. It was published after his death and won the Adamjee Literary Award in 1980.
It is a unique story of a young man who emerges from the sea’s relentless waves – and is endowed with strange powers by nature. The story is full of adventure, supernatural events, and of course, Romance.
The story revolves around two characters Zaroon Javed and Kashaf Murtaza.
The Autobiography of Mirza Adeeb. It gives a complete picture of Mirza Adeeb’s life and personality.
The story is written on the backdrop of Muslim’s glorious past and revolves around a Brave Muslim Leader, Yousuf Bin Tashfin.
The novel addresses more than two thousand years of Indian civilization.